Factsheet: Beltane

Beltane is a Pagan religious festival which marks the beginning of summer, and is associated with the lighting of ritual fires as well as fertility
Coronavirus and Religion update – 30 April 2020

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, led the first national assembly for the online Oak National Academy this morning. He encouraged those watching to acknowledge their difficult feelings and tough times during the lockdown, and then hope for the future, calling on the experience of Nelson Mandela as an example. The Church of England has […]
Analysis: The Catholic Schism in the USA

Comment by Andrew Brown Underneath the workings of the coronavirus, all the old religious hatreds simmer on. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the US Catholic church in an election year. One faction among the bishops supports Donald Trump almost as fervently as white Evangelicals do; the other regards him as an enemy of […]