News by Religion and Belief

paris olympics 2024 raw pixel

25 July 2024

French athletes’ hijab ban under the spotlight as Olympics opens in Paris; Assisted dying bill in Lords today; Kamala Harris prays with pastors; Sacred gardens where many feel closer to their creator
Jewish protest Capitol Hill Jack Jenkins

24 July 2024

Netanyahu: "outrageous slanders against Israel demonise Jews everywhere”; Archbishop praises MPs for standing up to anger and abuse in election campaign; Religious disaffiliation in East Asia - yet religious belief remains entrenched
Olympic_rings_in_the_Place_du_Trocadéro_in_Paris 4.0

24 July 2024

Call for Olympics boycott in protest at Islamophobia; CofE appoints Biblical scholar on migration as the bishops’ theological adviser; Bishop of London says inequality must be tackled with help from faith groups; Hindu priests say god of righteousness is on Kamala’s side

23 July 2024

Kamala Harris “at ease navigating religious traditions” and committed to her Baptist church for decades; Jesuit Refugee Service urges a more humane asylum system; GP suspended for comments on Hamas is re-instated; Expressions of faith common in British football

22 July 2024

Biden’s decision to withdraw from presidential race “an act of heroic humility”; Bishop of Chelmsford says sharing the gospel is “inherently political”; 50,000 US Catholics take part in five day Eucharist Congress; Muslim roots of Spain’s football star Lamine Yamal
JD Vance Gage Skidmore2.0

15 July 2024

Trump’s vice president choice is new convert to Catholicism; CofE bishops’ appointments deadlocked by internal disagreement; Irish politician refused communion over vote legalising abortion; Cartoon Jewish superhero Sabra turned into a Russian spy