Is the C of E going broke in the pandemic?

By Andrew Brown Will the Church of England go broke in the pandemic? The question seems absurd: apart from the incalculable worth represented by cathedrals, the Church Commissioners have £8.5bn in assets and another £2.5bn tucked away in a pension fund. Nonetheless, the church on the ground is facing an existential crisis. Churches will shut, […]
German Bishops Admit Complicity in WWII

As the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II approaches, Roman Catholic bishops in Germany have admitted the church’s complicity by not opposing the Nazis. In a 23 page document, they say that they have decided to respond to critical questions about the role of the church in the war. They have adopted […]
Pope sends help to struggling transgender community

By Kevin Bocquet Pope Francis’s decision to send money to a group of about 20 transgender women, struggling to cope financially because of the coronavirus pandemic, is likely to reawaken controversy within the Roman Catholic Church over his attitude towards gender issues. The women, aged between 30 and 50, had been receiving food and basic […]