Briefing: Cost of Living Crisis and Mental Health

With speakers Gareth McNab, external affairs director Christians Against Poverty; Paul Morrison representing several churches in the Joint Public Issues Team and Tom Pollard, mental health worker and author of a report on food banks and mental health
Gurdwara bombing may signal the end of Afghanistan’s Sikhs

The bombing of Gurdwara Karte Parwan in Kabul follows a pattern of deadly attacks against Sikhs in Afghanistan, decimating their numbers and forcing their exile
Cost-of-living crisis intensifies mental health problems and poverty

Cost of living crisis increasing debt and isolation, where loneliness could lead to a slippery slope of darker mental health issues
Religion news 22 June 2022

Canterbury Cross awarded to the Queen for unstinting service; Spike in mental health issues related to universal credit; Bishop questions strategy for a “shinier, bigger, better” version of the church; Italy the best place in Europe to be Jewish; Burkinis banned once more in Grenoble swimming pools