Religion news 16 January 2025

Hopes for peace and security after Middle East ceasefire deal; Look ahead to likely religion news headlines in 2025; World Watch List says 1:7 Christians persecuted; Redress for church abuse victims will be delayed
Briefing: The stories likely to bring religion into the headlines in 2025

What stories about religion can journalists expect to make the headlines in 2025? A panel of journalists and commentators gingerly make predictions
Religion news 15 January 2025

The lost music of Auschwitz uncovered by young British composer; Decision on changes to church repair scheme announced soon; Grooming gang debate descends into anger in Welsh Senedd; Three day meeting on the future of the United Reformed Church
The lost music of Auschwitz uncovered by young British composer

Fragments of manuscripts from the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial and museum, pieced together and performed for Sky Arts documentary