Supporting faith communities with a network of reputable journalists

We can put you in touch with a range of journalists who can give advice and help explain stories about religion and belief. The people in the database below have given their permission to be listed here and contacted by faith communities. To find a journalist for your story, you can search by name or keyword, or by selecting a “Specialism” via the dropdown box.

Contact us for further information 0203 970 0709 [email protected]

Christopher Lamb
Studied Theology at the University of Durham and then pursued a career in journalism working first for The Daily Telegraph before spending six years with...
Tim Wyatt
Freelance journalist specialising in religion and social affairs. His news reports, analysis and features have been published by The Guardian, The Times, The Economist, The...
Lianne Kolirin
Freelance journalist who has written for The Times, CNN, The Washington Post, Mail Online, Mail on Sunday, the Sunday Express, Daily Express, Grazia, The Jerusalem...
Amardeep Bassey
Multi-award winning portfolio includes investigations into radical extremists, terrorism, crime and gang networks and social affairs. Regular contributor of hard news and features to national...
Andrew Brown
Has covered stories about religion for decades, well known for his time at The Guardian, and before that The Independent. He was a digital pioneer...
Catherine Pepinster
Journalist, broadcaster, and author specialising in religion. She was previously executive editor of the Independent on Sunday and edited The Tablet, the Catholic weekly, for...
Leo Devine
Working in journalism for almost 40 years, 35 of them at the BBC. He ran four of the BBC’s TV regions, producing thousands of hours...
Rosie Dawson
Freelance religion journalist, documentary maker and radio producer with more than 20 years of experience in the BBC’s Religion and Ethics department. She studied Theology...