Religion Media Centre
An independent, impartial body helping
journalists and other media professionals
cover world religion and beliefs
What's On?
Join us on 19 September 2024 for our free
annual lecture with Sir Stephen Timms MP,
followed by Q&A and reception
Our online briefings help journalists discover
more about stories in the news, finding
new angles and helpful contacts
Explore our events including lectures, Religion Media Festival,
and Creating Connections events where we
raise understanding between religious groups and the media

What's On

In the election campaign, the Labour Party pledged it would ensure strong partnerships with faith communities “harnessing their energy and creativity to renew the country”. Sir Stephen Timms MP will outline the steps for this vision in our annual lecture at St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street on 19 September 2024


Factsheet: the Media Bill and religious broadcasting
The Media Bill removes the requirement for public service broadcasters...
Factsheet: The Church of England’s General Synod
The General Synod is the Church of England’s tripartite elected...
Factsheet: Sexuality timeline in the Church of England
The Church of England has been locked in bitter internal...
Factsheet: Lent and Easter
Easter is the central event in the Christian calendar, which...
Factsheet: Hinduism in the UK
There are today more than 800,000 Hindus in Britain, making...
Explainer: The Chosen
The story of Jesus in “The Chosen” in the newly...
Factsheet: Death and funerals in world religions
Historically, religious funerals mostly aimed to help the deceased in...
Factsheet: the Festival of Imbolc
The first Pagan festival of the year is Imbolc, a...

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Morning News Bulletin

A round-up of stories about religion and belief from the UK and around the world, including links to original sources and news reports. You can have these sent straight to your inbox every weekday by signing up here.

Religion news 11 September 2024
Sir Paul Marshall, evangelical Christian with right wing politics, buys...
Religion news 10 September 2024
Muslim groups call for accountability after Grenfell Report; Government suspended...


Aiming to help journalists discover more about stories in the news, finding new angles, deepening understanding, and conversing with those who make the news

Our Audience

Record monthly visitors
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Our Contributors

Get to know our team of experienced journalists who work with our network of reputable commentators, providing insight and analysis on current religion and belief stories, updated every day.


Our annual Religion Media Festival includes panel discussions and a presentation from a keynote speaker. Our lectures offer a platform for speakers in the public eye to address key issues in society. Our Creating Connections events raise understanding between religious groups and the media, exploring new stories, breaking down misunderstanding, and showcasing the expertise of RE teachers and academics.