Factsheet: Pentecost

Pentecost is a Christian festival which celebrates the giving of God’s Holy Spirit to Jesus’s disciples shortly after his resurrection and ascension back to Heaven. It is sometimes known as the “birthday of the church”.
Virus puts Gurdwaras in Financial Trouble

By Minreet Kaur In common with other UK places of worship, Sikh gurdwaras have been shut since March and a report suggests that donations have fallen by 95 per cent, but the cost of running and providing the essential langar services, such as food for the needy, has increased. Harmeet Singh, general-secretary of the Sri […]
Religion News 29 May

The Pope is joining senior UK church leaders, including the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, for an online service on Sunday, which marks Pentecost when Christians believe the Holy Spirit came to the followers of Jesus and the church was born. Pope Francis will call on people to turn away from the “selfish pursuit of […]