Religion news 27 April

Places of worship In India become hospitals to deal with Covid-19 crisis; Former Post Office chief steps aside as vicar; $9.5 million to help persecuted victims of Islamist attacks in Africa; Signs and wonders shown to the Australian Prime Minister
Sikhs celebrate 400th anniversary of ninth Guru Tegh Bahadur

This year marks the 400th anniversary of the birth of the ninth Guru Tegh Bahadur. The exact date is disputed but many gurdwaras are observing this on 1 May.
Second Ramadan in the pandemic reinforces the community’s importance

The month of Ramadan holds unique meaning to each Muslim. We experience virtue and loss and apply those learnings to our life.
Former Post Office chief steps aside as vicar

The Rev Paula Vennells, former chief executive of the Post Office, is “stepping back” from her role as a parish priest, following the scandal of post office workers wrongly convicted for financial crimes, due to a faulty IT system.