General Election 2024: the Muslim vote

44per cent mof British Muslims rank the Gaza conflict as one of the five most important issues in the election – so how will this affect their support for Labour?

Religion and the Election 2024

Faith groups helping vulnerable people in the UK say poverty should be a high priority for politicians and they are appealing for a review of the current system of support, which is failing to provide a way out

Election Briefing: Poverty

The cost of living is a top election issue, yet the increasing wealth divide and extent of poverty haven’t really figured in election debates

Election Briefing: Immigration

Immigration is among the top four concerns driving voters at the general election, and their religious identity impacts how they regard the issue

General Election 2024: the Hindu vote

Hinduism is the third largest religion in the UK and while it is not clear how they will vote in the general election, they have, for the first time, come together to launch a manifesto

General Election 2024: the Jewish vote

The Jewish community in Britain is not a monolithic entity, all voting one way, but core values over welfare and healthcare, and a focus on combatting antisemitism are key in 2024.