Briefing: Reviewing Cop27 through the lense of belief

With Omar Shaikh Global Finance Initiative, James Buchanan Operation Noah, Alex Kirby Climate News Network, Chris Manktelow Young Christian Climate Network and Bino Makhalanyane, youth co-ordinator Green Anglicans South Africa

Briefing: US midterm elections 2022

Rosie Dawson hosts this discussion with guests including Georgian State Senator Kim Jackson, Alan Cooperman from Pew Research Center, and Robert Jones from the Public Religion Policy Institute

Briefing: 100 years of Religion at the BBC

religion at bbc screenshot

Past and present BBC broadcasters trace the way content around worship, news, documentaries and general programming evolved to meet the challenge of an ever-changing religious and media landscape.

Briefing: The Bahai Faith

bahai faith briefing

This is one of our ‘Factsheet on Film’ briefing series, where we take a deeper look into certain topics and faiths. In this Religion Media Centre briefing, the Baháʼí history, beliefs and practices are explored