RMC Briefings

Our weekly online briefings offer a unique opportunity to get behind the headlines, with a panel of speakers quizzed by our journalists

Briefing: Catholic Synod & Reform

Pope Francis is launching a two-year project that is the most ambitious Catholic reform process for 60 years, overhauling power structures in the church and giving a stronger voice to ordinary believers. The proposed synod structure, with clergy, bishops and laity, will discuss issues which divide people – such as the place of women – and find common ground on social issues. Christopher Lamb hosted this briefing with guests:

  • Dr Phyllis Zagano, Hofstra University, New York
  • Brenden Thompson, CEO at Catholic Voices
  • Bishop John Arnold, Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford
  • Dr Alana Harris, Kings College London
  • Professor Tina Beattie, Director of Catherine of Siena College

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Report: Shaking the structures of the Catholic church

“We’ve had, to be honest, really appalling arguments against a female priesthood put forward by the Vatican”

– Prof Tina Beattie


The Religion Media Centre live-tweets all of our briefings. You can find the entire thread on our Twitter feed @relmedcentre


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