Tag: Christianity

paris olympics 2024 raw pixel

25 July 2024

French athletes’ hijab ban under the spotlight as Olympics opens in Paris; Assisted dying bill in Lords today; Kamala Harris prays with pastors; Sacred gardens where many feel closer to their creator
Hereford Cathedral Gardens c. Gordon Taylor

25 July 2024

Sacred gardens surrounding cathedrals and churches are increasingly sought after as places of tranquility and contemplation
Jewish protest Capitol Hill Jack Jenkins

24 July 2024

Netanyahu: "outrageous slanders against Israel demonise Jews everywhere”; Archbishop praises MPs for standing up to anger and abuse in election campaign; Religious disaffiliation in East Asia - yet religious belief remains entrenched
Olympic_rings_in_the_Place_du_Trocadéro_in_Paris 4.0

24 July 2024

Call for Olympics boycott in protest at Islamophobia; CofE appoints Biblical scholar on migration as the bishops’ theological adviser; Bishop of London says inequality must be tackled with help from faith groups; Hindu priests say god of righteousness is on Kamala’s side

23 July 2024

Kamala Harris “at ease navigating religious traditions” and committed to her Baptist church for decades; Jesuit Refugee Service urges a more humane asylum system; GP suspended for comments on Hamas is re-instated; Expressions of faith common in British football

22 July 2024

Biden’s decision to withdraw from presidential race “an act of heroic humility”; Bishop of Chelmsford says sharing the gospel is “inherently political”; 50,000 US Catholics take part in five day Eucharist Congress; Muslim roots of Spain’s football star Lamine Yamal

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