RMC Briefings

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The “wild ride” of communicating religion online

Theme: The internet appears to have witnessed an explosion in religious quest and observance during the pandemic.

A Church of England vicar with 176,000 Instagram followers, a young Imam whose following increased tenfold in the pandemic, church worship attracting four times as many people online as in person, the internet appears to have witnessed an explosion in religious quest and observance during the pandemic. The dramatic change was the subject of a Religion Media Centre online briefing on the impact of Covid-19 on religion in the UK.

Christopher Lamb spoke to the Rev Chris Lee, an Anglican vicar with an internet following bigger than the Church of England, who said:

“It’s been a wild ride of communicating this message of hope on a platform often seen as superficial”.

Joining the conversation were:

Report: Communicating religion online: it’s been a wild ride

The internet appears to have witnessed an explosion in religious quest and observance during the pandemic.

“living through a pandemic felt like a war”

– Rev Chris Lee

Full Briefing Video – YouTube


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