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Religion news 23 July 2024

Kamala Harris “at ease navigating religious traditions” and committed to her Baptist church for decades; Jesuit Refugee Service urges a more humane asylum system; GP suspended for comments on Hamas is re-instated; Expressions of faith common in British football

Religion news 16 July 2024

Trump’s vice president choice is new convert to Catholicism; CofE bishops’ appointments deadlocked by internal disagreement; Irish politician refused communion over vote legalising abortion; Cartoon Jewish superhero Sabra turned into a Russian spy

Religion news 2 July 2024

Mosque apologises after rabbi standing for parliament is verbally abused; Survey shows active churchgoers more likely to vote centre-left; Church “trying to sanitise abuse” by Soul Survivor founder Mike Pilavachi

General Election 2024: the Hindu vote

Hinduism is the third largest religion in the UK and while it is not clear how they will vote in the general election, they have, for the first time, come together to launch a manifesto

General Election 2024: the Sikh vote

Sikhs in Britain historically vote Labour and issues concerning them include hate crime, representation in public life and justice over the Amritsar killings of 1984.

Religion news 11 June 2024

The Muslim Vote reverses endorsement of three Labour candidates; Boris Johnson accused of antisemitism for name calling Labour leader; Tom Holland wins Sandford St Martin Trustees award

Religion news 4 June 2024

Secular schools must allow children to pray, says children’s commissioner; Pope says migration is a sign of the times; Religious minorities fear outcome of India election