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General Election 2024: the Sikh vote

Sikhs in Britain historically vote Labour and issues concerning them include hate crime, representation in public life and justice over the Amritsar killings of 1984.

Religion news 11 June 2024

The Muslim Vote reverses endorsement of three Labour candidates; Boris Johnson accused of antisemitism for name calling Labour leader; Tom Holland wins Sandford St Martin Trustees award

Religion news 4 June 2024

Secular schools must allow children to pray, says children’s commissioner; Pope says migration is a sign of the times; Religious minorities fear outcome of India election

Religion news 23 April 2024

Rwanda Bill is finally passed, despite objections from all CofE bishops; Narendra Modi criticised for anti-Muslim comments in election speech; New gospel music qualifications to recognise excellence; Welsh hymns of hell awaiting drunks and addicts, to be revived and sung again in 50 chapels

Religion news 9 April 2024

Vatican – sex change “grave threat to human dignity”; Cap restricting faith schools intake “about to be repealed”; Open iftar project 2024 ends in Trafalgar Square in the pouring rain