RMC Briefings

Our weekly online briefings offer a unique opportunity to get behind the headlines, with a panel of speakers quizzed by our journalists

Briefing: 100 years of Religion at the BBC

Religion was woven into the founding of the BBC 100 years ago, with strict Presbyterian Lord Reith, the first general manager who steered it to becoming a corporation, believing he had a divine calling to take on the role. In this Religion Media Centre briefing, past and present broadcasters trace the way content around worship, news, documentaries and general programming evolved to meet the challenge of an ever-changing religious and media landscape. Roger Bolton, Leo Devine, Michael Wakelin and Ruth Peacock put the questions to a full house of speakers.

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Report: A century of religion at the BBC

“Good religious broadcasting can absolutely speak into that. It needs people who are passionate about it and who know about it, not because they’re trying to sell something, but because actually there is a need — and it is up to us to meet it.” – Christine Morgan

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