RMC Briefings

Our weekly online briefings offer a unique opportunity to get behind the headlines, with a panel of speakers quizzed by our journalists

Briefing: Church buildings in deprived areas closing faster than in affluent communities

Churches in England are being forced to close due to crumbling buildings, declining congregations, and loss of income. But a report from Church Action on Poverty concludes that churches in deprived areas in Greater Manchester are closing at a faster rate than in more affluent neighbourhoods.

The report ‘Is the Church Losing Faith in Low-Income Communities in Greater Manchester?’ compared the number of churches in the city in 2010 with those that remain in 2020. Its findings were discussed in an RMC briefing hosted by Rosie Dawson with many guests working in churches in the margins. Niall Cooper, director of CAP, says there must be a reason why churches in deprived areas are closed more frequently and believes there are forces at play, where churches with fewer resources, less money, and potentially fewer human assets are the ones that close.

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The poorer the area, the quicker the churches are closing

Declining numbers, crumbling buildings and loss if income “does not explain why more churches are closed in deprived areas”

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