The spread of prayer apps that rely on a mixture of advertising and subscription revenue to make money is causing increasing concern after several have been found to be selling on data for advertising and unwittingly to law enforcement agencies. The threats are more subtle and wide ranging than most people understand and hardly anyone looks at the privacy policies. In this Religion Media Centre online media briefing Ruth Peacock and Andrew Brown discuss the issues with
- Beth Singler, research fellow in artificial intelligence at Homerton College, Cambridge
- Maria Farrell, writer and speaker on technology, who has worked in technology policy for 20 years and has taught internet governance
- Dr Jason Pridmore, Vice Dean Education: Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Rotterdam
- Emma Holland, Creative manager Pray as you Go Jesuit app
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Report: Dear God, who else is listening to our prayers?
“From a consumerist standpoint, if you’re trying to find a prayer app that is less likely to abuse your data, you should probably look at one that is has a real-life religious community, in the real world, behind it.”
–Maria Farrell
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