Ruth Peacock

Ruth is the leader of the Religion Media Centre project and oversees its work. After studying theology and teaching RE, she trained as a journalist on a local paper, freelanced in print and radio and then joined the BBC, working in many news departments, including the main newsgathering desk. She also worked on the BBC’s move into the new W1 building and studied organisational change.

Written Content

Religion news 1 July 2024

Archbishops’ appeal to people to vote on Thursday; Alternative CofE “overseers” to be sworn in on 12 July; Ultra Orthodox protest in Israel turns violent; Russell Brand’s conversation with The Chosen’s Jesus

Religion news 28 June 2024

The religion thread through the general election; Faith leaders see hope in manifesto pledges on climate change; 40 year anniversary of “The Sea of Faith”; Methodist conference marks 50th anniversary of women ministers

Religion news 27 June 2024

High Court case over Vatican’s €350 million property deal; HTB evangelicals in CofE threaten to breakaway over same sex marriage; Interfaith hustings hears call for re-imagining a new Britain; Episcopal church in the USA elects a new presiding bishop

Religion news 25 June 2024

Distrust “pervasive” in Church of England; Catholic bishops appeal for politicians to address environmental concerns; Pope’s opponent made papal nuncio to the Baltic states; Irish catholics oppose assisted dying;

Religion news 24 June 2024

More than 1300 pilgrims die at the Hajj; Donald Trump courts white evangelical vote again; Priest died when church attacked in Dagestan; Sir Keir Starmer and his family’s Jewish heritage

Religion news 21 June 2024

Faith communities must help “change the narrative” on immigration; Church of England dioceses in financial trouble; Archbishop Vigano summoned to Rome on charges of schism; Ancient rites of midsummer observed once more at Stonehenge

Religion news 20 June 2024

“Tiktokification of politics” as church hustings are cancelled; 900 deaths reported at the Hajj in Mecca this year – four fold increase; “Outrageous” desecration of Stonehenge by oil protesters

Religion news 18 June 2024

Muslims around the world celebrate Eid-al-Adha; Sandford St Martin Trust awards creators of top religious programmes; Archbishop calls for immediate end to war in Sudan; TV presenter Dan Walker missed out on top jobs because he refused to work on Sundays