Ruth Peacock

Ruth is the leader of the Religion Media Centre project and oversees its work. After studying theology and teaching RE, she trained as a journalist on a local paper, freelanced in print and radio and then joined the BBC, working in many news departments, including the main newsgathering desk. She also worked on the BBC’s move into the new W1 building and studied organisational change.

Written Content

Religion news 17 June 2024

Rishi Sunak says his Hindu faith gives him strength to carry on; Palestinians invited to Mecca for the Hajj; Call for 30 per cent pay rise for CofE clergy; Pope tells comedians they unite people, making God smile

Religion news 14 June 2024

Two million Muslims gather for the Hajj in Mecca; Dr Luke Bretherton appointed as professor of moral and pastoral theology at Oxford; Theos research on top election issues finds differences in religious vote

Religion news 13 June 2024

Sir Keir Starmer pledges strong partnerships with faith communities; UK Hindus unite behind election manifesto; Call for French Olympic athletes headscarves ban to be reversed; Brass eagle theft from Edgbaston church captured on CCTV

Religion news 10 June 2024

Premier’s CEO, Peter Kerridge, has died at the age of 63; Call for new global platform for religious freedom; Ancient Christian manuscripts auctioned for £2-3million; Has the Pope got news for you ..

Religion news 7 June 2024

D-Day chaplains’ ministry among the dead and dying; The Muslim Vote endorses four Labour candidates; Sikh Federation publishes manifesto for change; CofE produces prayers for the election campaign; Antisemitism is an existential threat to democracy in Europe

Religion news 6 June 2024

D-Day headstones point to enduring ideas of hope; Muslims hope BJP losses will check anti Muslim rhetoric; Rabbi couple heading to Israel from Leeds after death threats; Clash at Cannes over flowing dress with a picture of Jesus

Religion news 3 June 2024

Chief Rabbi tells London rally Israeli hostages must be freed; Bishop of Winchester supports deselected LibDem candidate; “The Chosen” US blockbuster on the life of Jesus, launches season 4; Ambitious plan to gather all the world’s Christians for prayer

Religion news 31 May 2024

Muslim Council of Britain “gravely concerned” at de-selection of Faiza Shaheen; Quakers urge compassion and justice for migrants; Pope says walls to keep migrants out is not Christian; 99 year old Jewish ex soldier remembers D-Day 80 years on; Inclusion charity Nujum enlists top footballers for charity game