Religion news 20 August 2024

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce. Image credit: ADF

Woman who silently prayed outside abortion clinic wins £13k for wrongful arrest

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, who was arrested twice for silently praying outside an abortion clinic in the Kings Norton area of Birmingham, has won £13,000 from West Midlands Police for wrongful arrest. She took legal action supported by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) UK, claiming two wrongful arrests and false imprisonments; assault and battery in relation to an intrusive search of her person; and for a breach of her human rights both in respect to the arrests and bail conditions. Ms Vaughan-Spruce, aged 46 from Malvern, described as a charity volunteer, was first arrested in November 2022 for silently praying in a buffer zone outside the clinic but was cleared of all charges in February 2023. Weeks later, she was arrested again for the same offence, but in September, police said they would not be bringing charges. She said she was delighted with the paymen, declaring: “There is no place for Orwell’s ‘thought police’ in 21st Century Britain”.  ADF is supporting other similar casesAdam Smith-Connor, a military veteran who prayed silently near a clinic in Bournemouth, and Livia Tossici-Bolt, a retired scientist, who held up a sign in the same location.

Detailed research on Muslim MPs in the UK Parliament

Academics at Euro-Islam, which researches Islam across Europe, have published detailed information about the Muslim MPs now sitting in parliament following the general election. It says there were 18 Muslim MPs but now there are 25:  four are independent candidates, 18 are from Labour Party and two are Conservatives. They form 3.8 per cent of MPs in the Commons, yet Muslims form 6.5 per cent of the general population. The research says that in the 21 seats where more than 30 per cent of the population is Muslim, Labour’s share dropped by 29 percentage points from 65 to 26 per cent. It noted the emergence and growing impact of The Muslim Vote, supporting independent candidates coalescing on the single issue of the Israel-Hamas war. And it said the number of women Muslim MPs had gone up from ten to 14 after the election. One is in the cabinet – Shabana Mahmood, as Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary. Most of the elected Muslim MPs – 13 out of 25 – are ethnically Pakistani, down from 16 in the last parliament. All the details with CVs of all MPs is here

World church leaders call for justice to combat global outbreak of Mpox

The World Council of Churches is calling on faith communities to work alongside governments and wider civil society to overcome the Mpox outbreak, a viral disease causing skin lesions and fever, which can be fatal in vulnerable people. The World Health Organisation last week declared MPox as an international public health emergency after a major outbreak in central Africa, with cases reported now in Europe. It is spread by physical contact.   The WCC is calling for swift intervention and equality in the global provision of vaccines, it says churches must play their part in giving health information and wants those who are affected to  be offered spiritual and psychological support as well as medicine.  

Poll finds fear that assisted dying cannot be safely implemented

A poll commissioned by the charity Living and Dying Well, has found that although 56 per cent support assisted dying, they also  believe there are too many complicating factors for  it to be safely implemented in the UK.   The poll of more than 2,000 British adults, by Whitestone Insight, is released ahead of Lord Falconer’s attempt in the House of Lords to change the law. It found 56 per cent fear it could lead to a culture where suicide becomes more normalised than it is today.  47 per cent  worry that people would opt for it because they feel they are a burden. The charity’s chair, Baroness Grey-Thompson, said the poll gave a “very different snapshot of ordinary peoples’ attitude towards assisted suicide than the glossy picture presented by pro-assisted dying/assisted suicide organisations. It shows that, at best, people are ambivalent about the prospect”.

Public trust in charities highest level for 10  years

The Charity Commission says public trust in charities is at its highest level for ten years. Research suggests the most important concern for people is how money is spent, followed by whether it achieves its aims and operates with high ethical standards.  58 per cent of those surveyed have “high” trust in charities (7 out of 10 or higher), placing it among the most trusted groups in society, second only after doctors.  The research also showed a growing reliance on charities for support, alongside a declining percentage of people donating to charities. Church Times report here

Church land to be used for new 315 home community in Falmouth

The Church Commissioners for England has won planning permission for a new 315-home community to the north of Falmouth, Cornwall. The 13.4-hectare site connects new homes, a local centre and green space with the town’s existing community and its river’s harbour. It is intended that 35 per cent of the homes will be affordable and there will be a mix of housing types for families, first-time buyers, and the elderly. There is a shortage of affordable homes for local people to rent or buy, and there are 27,000 households on the waiting list. There are 13,140 second homes listed in the county. The CofE says Church Commissioners’ strategic land pipeline is suitable for the delivery of approximately 32,000 homes across England, of which 8,000 were subject to live planning applications in 2023.

Blind dates offered by Jewish Chronicle

The Jewish Chronicle has launched a blind dates column, marking the Jewish holiday for love,  TuB’Av, which was celebrated yesterday.  Singles of any “age, background or level of religious observance” will get a complimentary meal and then be interviewed about the experience for the JC on all its platforms. “We’ll need to know your age, what you’re looking for in terms of love, politics, hobbies and even what shul you do/don’t go to!” applications are by email – details here 


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