RMC Briefings

Our weekly online briefings offer a unique opportunity to get behind the headlines, with a panel of speakers quizzed by our journalists

Briefing: Investing in church buildings

There are 39,000 churches used for worship in the UK including many buildings of national heritage, but they face a backlog of repairs since government support ended in 2017. In this Religion Media Centre briefing, the new chair of the National Churches Trust, Sir Philip Rutnam, said the Chancellor of the Exchequer could go for a triple win by putting in even a modest amount into looking after the buildings, in partnership with local communities. There would be a renewed sense of pride in the community, a legacy for the next 100 years and the wellbeing of people for whom the building is a source of support through a range of activities. Rosie Dawson hosted the discussion, with:

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Report: A ‘triple win’: investing in church buildings can bring communities together

“I think we don’t have a building problem, we have a people problem”

– Alex Glanville

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