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Training Session: Reporting Religion on Digital Platforms

Training Session: Reporting Religion on Digital Platforms

Photo by Minh Hằng on Unsplash

Are you a journalist or work in comms, and unsure about how to report on religion?

Where: Online
When: Thursday 23 November 2023 13:00 – 14:00 GMT
Tickets: Available here >>

Do you work in communications and want to explore which digital platform best suits your story? This online session will explore how to translate your stories for social media, for example, a long discursive interview in print might work better as a news item online. In addition, you’ll learn which visuals you should gather to catch the attention of your audience.

Chaired by Catherine Pepinster with guests:

  • Ruth Gledhill – online editor and news editor at The Tablet, following long career in print as religious affairs correspondent at The Times.
  • John McManus, head of communications for the Jesuits UK


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