Religion news 15 July 2024

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“Trump says “God alone” prevented his death in assassination attempt

Donald Trump says “it was God alone” who prevented his death in the assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. The sniper’s bullet grazed his ear while he was making a speech, inches away from killing him. One spectator was killed in the attack, and two others were critically injured. The 20-year-old gunman was shot dead. Donald Trump was taken to hospital but released hours later and issued a statement on Sunday saying:  “Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand united, and show our true character as Americans, remaining strong and determined, and not allowing evil to win.”

A day of shock and prayers in America

Religious leaders in the US have reacted with shock and prayer following the attempted assassination of the former president. The Religion News Service has collated the many responses condemning violence and praying for him, his family and the nation, especially its “polarised political landscape”. Baptist minister Dwight McKissic said the assassination arose from the moral depravity tormenting America: “We need to pray for the healing of our land, and for a safe and peaceful election this November”. The Vatican issued a statement saying prayers were offered for the US bishops, America, the victims, and for peace in the country, “that the motives of the violent may never prevail.”

“Overseers” appointed for opponents of same sex blessings, in place of bishops

The Church of England Evangelical Council has commissioned 20 “overseers”, who will offer spiritual and pastoral oversight of clergy and congregations opposed to same sex blessings, in place of bishops who support the change.  This development is in line with the intention of conservatives in the church to form a “parallel province”, an additional structure in the Church of England. An alternative “Ephesian fund” has already been established for parishes opposed to same sex blessings to deposit their money there, rather than to the central CofE.  The commissioning service at All Souls church, Langham Place, has been seen as schism, a defiant move possibly in breach of canon law, against the bishops. But Bishop Martyn Snow, leading negotiations on same sex blessings, told the Sunday programme on BBC Radio 4 that he did not see it as the start of a  new province, as that would need permission of synod and even parliament. He regarded it as a support structure, a network or society. He denied accusations that the bishops were trying to change the doctrine of marriage “on the sly”, saying some bishops did want a change, but as a whole, the bishops were exploring the church’s response to LGBTQIA people. He said the wording of same sex blessings is crafted carefully as a form of welcoming and not a form of marriage.

The overseers are: Bishop of Ebbsfleet, Rob Munro.
Retired bishops: Julian Henderson, Pete Broadbent, Henry Scriven, Keith Sinclair, Rod Thomas.
Clergy: Christabel Ager, retired associate minister; Rev David Banting; Rev David Heath-Whyte; Rev Kieran Bush; Rev Paul Harcourt, ambassador for New Wine; Rev Paul Perkin, Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans; Rev Paul Darlington, chair of the Church Society; Rev Ian Dowsett; Rev Jane Morris; Rev Angus MacLeay; Rev Mike Smith; Rev Mark Pickles; Rev John Coles, chair of trustees of New Wine; Rev Vaughan Roberts.
Four more will be commissioned at a later date: Rev William Taylor; Retired bishop Mike Hill; Rev Paul Jump; Rev Anita Colpus.

Ampleforth’s past safeguarding failings put students at risk of harm

A Charity Commission report of its inquiry into Ampleforth College and Abbey has raised serious concerns about its past safeguarding. The report into the St. Laurence Educational Trust, which runs Ampleforth College, and Ampleforth Abbey Trust, which operates Ampleforth Abbey, has taken seven years to be completed. It was first opened in 2016 to assess both charities’ approach to safeguarding, including their practices and procedures, and how the charities ensured a safe environment for their beneficiaries. Monks from the Abbey provide chaplaincy and teaching to pupils at the college. The findings reveal there were significant weaknesses in the charities’ approach to safeguarding, governance, and management.  It found numerous occasions that “put students at the college at risk of harm”. It concludes that both institutions have made progress to improve but the two trusts’ handling of the allegations led to the length of the inquiry. Catherine Pepinster’s report is here >>

New feast day for Our Lady of Walsingham

A new feast day has been declared by the Vatican, celebrating Our Lady of Walsingham, on 24 September. Cardinal Vincent Nichols had requested that the memorial day of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Walsingham be raised to the rank of feast. The Vatican granted the request due to the historic importance of the shrine and the growing devotion to Our Lady of Walsingham. The village in Norfolk is where a Saxon noblewoman, Richeldis de Faverches, had three visions of Mary the mother of Jesus, and was told to build a replica of the house in Nazareth where the angel Gabriel told Mary she would give birth to Jesus “whose kingdom will have no end”.  Walsingham has attracted pilgrims ever since and the feast will now be in the national calendar of the church.

Bear Grylls defends his support for Russell Brand’s new faith

Bear Grylls has defended his support for Russell Brand in his new found Christian faith, telling the Australian edition of the Daily Telegraph that it was a privilege to stand beside him as he was baptised in the River Thames in April. Russell Brand’s conversion took place months after police investigated accusations against him of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse, but no arrests have been made and Brand has denied all allegations. Bear Grylls, who is an ambassador for the Alpha course  based at Holy Trinity Brompton, is quoted saying: “Let’s hope all of that stuff works itself out in a good way. And let’s hope those accusations aren’t true, for everybody’s sake, but I always try and live without judging anyone. I stand beside many people … that’s a privilege, trying never to judge, always to love, always be kind, support people wherever they are.”

“Dr Ruth”, Holocaust survivor and popular sex therapist, has died aged 96

“Dr Ruth”, Holocaust survivor who found fame as a US sex therapist, has died aged 96.  Ruth Westheimer was sent to safety from Germany to Switzerland, on Kindertransport when she was 10. A psychologist educated at the Sorbonne and Columbia University, she became well known from her 1980s radio programme “Sexually Speaking”, where she answered callers’ questions sex and relationships with disarming frankness. She died peacefully at home in New York City, surrounded by family. She once said: “Looking at my four grandchildren: Hitler lost and I won”.

You swear it well: a smorgasbord of holy books for MPs to make their oath of allegiance

The three-day swearing in ceremony for MPs in the new parliament has proved a remarkably popular watch, addictive even, for our reporter, Leo Devine. He researched every second to find oaths spoken in English, Welsh, Scottish, Gaelic, Irish and Kernewek, on a wide variety of texts including the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Sundar Gutka, Tanakh – and none.  His report is here. The latest tally of MPs’ religious affiliation, outside Christianity, is 12 Sikh, 25 Muslim, 3 Hindu and 14 Jewish.  Humanists UK says 40 per cent took an affirmation without swearing on a sacred text. That leaves almost 60 per cent taking the oath on some version of the Bible. Leo Devine and comedian Paul Kerensa will be mulling over the way modern diverse Britain is represented in this traditional ceremony, tomorrow, Tuesday 16 July 1200. To get the zoom link: [email protected]


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