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Moral outrage as Twitter awash with racism after Euro defeat - Religion Media Centre

Moral outrage as Twitter awash with racism after Euro defeat

The intense final between Italy and England was compared to religious fervour, as both countries went through a range of emotions during the Euro 2020 final yesterday. However, alongside the messages of condolence and support for the losing team, a wave of racism towards the 3 black players on the England squad has dominated social media. According to the Guardian, they received at least 2,114 abusive and racist tweets during the competition before the final, including attacks for taking the knee to protest racism.

Wading into this debate, religious leaders and faith organisations have tweeted their views on this attitude:

Church of England Archbishops:

The Archbishop of Coptic Church in the UK is a vocal social activist on Twitter:

The Community Security Trust is a charity helping UK Jews with security and antisemitism:

Matt Baker is the Pastoral Support Director in English Football Sports Chaplaincy UK:

Zaheer is an Islamic chaplain for the Lancashire Police force:


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