The cost-of-living crisis, with huge rises in the prices of fuel and food, is already causing deep wounds among the poorest in society, according to the debt charity Christians Against Poverty. In this Religion Media Centre briefing on its annual report, it said mental health issues and the risk of suicide were increasing as people sink into debt and isolation and cannot see a way out. Its work involves befriending people and offering hope alongside practical support. Ruth Peacock hosted this discussion with:
- Gareth McNab, external affairs director Christians Against Poverty
- Paul Morrison representing several churches in the Joint Public Issues Team
- Tom Pollard, mental health worker and author of a report on food banks and mental health
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Report: Cost-of-living crisis intensifies mental health problems and poverty
“If the system is meant to protect people from destitution, it’s not working”
– Paul Morrison, JIPT
The Religion Media Centre live-tweets all of our briefings. You can find the entire thread on our Twitter feed @relmedcentre
"We haven't run out of road – we are quite a wealthy country" says Paul Morrison @PublicIssues, and
— Religion Media Centre (@RelMedCentre) June 21, 2022
"theres money out there – we need to find a way to do it fairly for those who've had a terrible decade and #pandemic" #briefing #mentalhealth #debt