When 2024 began, our briefing looking ahead to 2024 predicted the stories to watch would be the US and UK election campaigns, the war in Israel / Gaza, schism in the Church of England over same-sex blessings, changes at the global Catholic Rome synod, and perennnial stories aorund climate change, poverty and freedom of religion.
No one predicted the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury; safeguarding issues shaking the foundations of the Church of England; the closure of the Interfaith network; the launch of The Muslim Vote to select Muslim MPs; race riots in England or support for a new Assisted Dying bill. And no one predicted peace in Gaza or Ukraine, or breakthroughs in climate negotiations which continue to prove elusive.
Here are some headlines of news about religion in 2024

Archbishop of Canterbury says Rwanda bill damages the UK’s reputation >>
$217 million Hindu temple Ram Mandir opens in Ayodhya >>

“Conveyor belt” baptisms for asylum seekers >>
King and Katherine diagnosed with cancer >>
Canterbury Cathedral nave silent rave row >>
Leeds University Jewish chaplain forced into hiding after death threats >>
Interfaith network announces closure >>
Synod debates Alexis Jay report on independent safeguarding >>

Bishops challenge Rwanda bill as it is defeated five times in the Lords>>
Producers take advice to remove antisemitic themes from passion plays >>
New definition of extremism used against three Muslim charities >>

Michaela school ban on prayers upheld >>
Ofsted report slams teaching of RE as superficially broad and lacking depth >>
Heavy metal band launches concerts with church organs >>
The world’s first Sikh court opens in London >>

United Methodists say OK to be gay if you’re a Christian >>
Pagan Federation wins charity status >>
PM tells vice chancellors zero tolerance for antisemitism >>
Paul Handley announces retirement as editor of Church Times >>
Oasis Restore facility for young offenders launched >>
Carlo Acutis, teenager online geek, to be a saint >>
Media bill passed removing religion as protected category. Factsheet here >>

40th anniversary of attack on Golden Temple, Amritsar >>
General election called – all content is here >>
series on education, Immigration, Cost of Living and poverty, Climate Change
series on the Christian, Sikh, Hindu and Jewish vote
Millions take part in Hajj in blistering temperatures >>
The Pope met 100 comedians at the Vatican and got a showbiz welcome >>

Labour wins the general election by a landslideand new intake MPs represent many faith traditions >>
60 per cent of MPs reportedly swore on a holy text, with 40 per cent declining >>
Church of England general synod: Debates on same sex marriage cause evangelical threats of schism, and safeguarding process is criticised >> days later “overseers” are appointed in part to replace bishops for clergy opposed to same sex blessings >>
Organisers apologise for Olympics tableau of The Last Supper >>

Kamala Harris, Baptist with Jewish husband and Hindu mother, chosen as Democratic presidential candidate >>
Riots in 27 cities, with mosques attacked, after Southport murder of three girls at a dance class >>
Interfaith work increases after the riots as commnunities rebuild >>
Ukraine bans religious groups associated with Russia >>
Shia Muslim Arbaeen pilgrimage, Karbala >>
RE A level entries slightly down, GCSE slightly up with calls for national RE plan >>
Laughter yoga associated with ‘Orange people’, expands across the world >>
Ekklesia closes down >>

Pope visits Indonesia region on 12 day tour >>
RMC Lecture with Sir Stephen Timms on ‘Faith’s place in Labour’smission of national renewal’ >>
Sir Paul Marshall buys the Spectator, a man described as being on ‘a God driven mission to transform the religious fabric of the nation’. Prospect article here >>
Four Jewish Chronicle commentators resign in protest at fabricated stories >>
Baroness Sayeeda Warsi leaves Tory party and publishes “Muslims Don’t Matter’ >>
Independent review into Mike Pilavachi said leaders must have known of his abuse >>
Religious hate crime soars by 25 per cent in England and Wales >>

Fr Tim Radcliffe becomes a cardinal, 4th English cardinal – a record >>
Rome synod ends with no commitment to women’s ordination >>
Tensions between Canada and India as diplomats are expelled over Sikh murder >>
Man found guilty of breaching abortion buffer zone ordered to pay £9k costs >>
Assisted Dying Bill introduced in parliament >>
Fears VAT for private school fees will harm Muslim schools >>

US election Trump wins and religious vote analysed >>
Makin report: ‘Prolific and abhorrent’ abuse by John Smyth covered up by CofE for decades >>
Justin Welby resigns as Archbishop of Canterbury >>
Cop29 Faith Pavilion, but criticism of financial deal for poorer countries >>

Notre Dame re-opens after 5 year renovation following devastating fire >>